Everyone knows about ChatGPT, but only 0.01% know how to use it correctly.
Expectation-Surprise framework :
Example prompt:
“Please write an email marketing campaign using the ‘Expectation-Surprise’ framework to generate interest and encourage action from [ideal customer persona]. Set expectations for the reader about what they can expect from our [product/service], but then surprise them with unexpected benefits or features that exceed those expectations. Include talking points such as [unique selling point], [pain point], and [desired action].”
Exclusive-Inclusive framework
Example prompt:
“Write an email marketing campaign using the ‘Exclusive-Inclusive’ framework to position our [product/service] as elite and desirable to [ideal customer persona]. Make it clear that our product is exclusive or elite in some way, but also emphasize that it is accessible and inclusive to a wide range of customers. Include talking points such as [unique selling point], [pain point], and [desired action].”
Positive-Negative framework
Example prompt:
“Using the ‘Positive-Negative’ framework, please write an email marketing campaign that focuses on the positive aspects of our [product/service] and the benefits it will bring to [ideal customer persona]. Also acknowledge and address any potential negative consequences or drawbacks in a constructive way. Include talking points such as [unique selling point], [pain point], and [desired action].”
Past-Present-Future framework
Example prompt:
“Write an email marketing campaign using the ‘Past-Present-Future’ framework to connect our [product/service] to [ideal customer persona]‘s past experiences or memories. Show how it can improve their present situation, and then show how it can shape their future in a positive way. Include talking points such as [unique selling point], [pain point], and [desired action].”
Positive-Negative framework
Example prompt:
“Craft an email marketing campaign using the ‘Friend-Expert’ framework to establish a connection with [ideal customer persona] and position our brand or [product/service] as an expert in our field. Use a friendly and approachable tone to connect with the reader, but also highlight our credibility and expertise in our field. Include talking points such as [unique selling point], [pain point], and [desired action].”
Source: Chase Dimond